Addiction and Dependency
Coffee, shopping, opioids, food, gaming, drinking, smoking, gambling, social media, sex, greed; anything that provides or triggers a dopamine release and that we are unable to “control”, could be considered an addiction. These responses and releases are not isolated to any group of individuals, it could or can happen to anyone. Addiction and dependency is not bound to just one socioeconomic group, religion, race, age, gender, or region.
According to the NIH and other experts approximately 20.4 million people were diagnosed in 2021 with addiction, while only 10% of people were receiving treatment or help.
One in five people, according to AAMC, do not know where to start.
Chronic disease
Chronic diseases do not fix or repair themselves. Chronic diseases are often diagnosed after the presence of symptoms and observations over a short or long duration of time. The presence of and impact of a chronic disease can vary greatly from one person to the next. Symptoms of the disease or the impact of illness can fluctuate greatly over a person’s lifespan. Addiction is a chronic disease, which can have physical and psychological symptoms. Similar to the common chronic conditions; such as asthma, diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), cancer we are familiar with. Addiction is a chronic condition, and like other chronic conditions; a diagnosis, intervention or treatment, management and follow up are necessary to achieve a state of remission.
Remission: is an act or process. Remission is the absence of or reduction of signs and symptoms of a disease. The state of remission can be experienced by periods of both short and long-term, as well as full or partial states of remission.
Mir supports individuals’ goals of treatment and treatment choices. We promote recovery and remission from addiction and dependency. We recognize that everyone is different, they each have their own specific needs, goals, barriers, weaknesses and strengths; and that those can even change over time. We work together with the patient to develop a plan that fits their specific needs. We support the holistic and patient centered approach to care, we promote collaboration between our practice and primary care, as well as specialists. So that we as a team are providing optimal care that is specific to the patient.
What is the cost?
Costs depend on the type of appointment, please call we can give more personalized information, specific to your needs and situation.